Sozliikler dillerin soz varligi depolaridir. Sozcukbilimin amaci
sozciikleri bigim ve igerik yonunden geliştirip insanhgin yararina sunmaktir.
Sozltikbilim; sozliikleri hazirlama teknikleri ve sozciik tiirleri,
sozltiklere veri toplamadaki olgutleri, veri toplanacak metinlerin tiirleri ile
ilgilenen bir bilim dalidir.
Erdogan Boz’un belirttigi gibi: “Türkçe soz varligi bakimindan degil,
sozliik bakimindan fakir bir dildir.
Tiirkge Sozliik'teki soz varligmi zenginleştirmek igin soz varligi
oluşturmada şimdiye dek yapilmiş ve şimdiden sonra yapilacak Türkiye
Türkcesi agizlari çalişmalanndan ve halkbilim çalışmalarından yararlamlmasi
Bugun israil’de olü diller grubuna sokulmu§ ibranice yeniden can
bulabiliyorsa dunyamn behind biiyiik dili olan, hem de zorlamayla somiirge
dili olarak degil anadili olarak en gok kullamlan diller simfina giren
Türkcenin zenginligi Türkce Sozlük'e yansimalidir.
Dictionaries are storages of vocabulary of languages. The aim of
lexicology is to provide benefit to humanbeing by developing the words in
format and content.
Lexicology is a discipline that is related with techniques of preparing
dictionaries, word types, scales in gathering data of texts’ types
As it is expressed by Erdogan Boz “Turkish is not poor on accaunt of
vocabulary, but on on accaunt of dictionary. In order to enrich vocabulary in Turkish Dictionary, it is necessary to
get benefit from studies of Turkish accent and folklare studies which have
been done up to new and will be done from now on in order to creat
In Israel today if Hebrew that is in group of dead languages, can come
to life, richness of Turkish that is the fifth biggest language and that is in the
group of most widely used languages which are used as mother languages not
is as a colonial language should be reflected on Turkish Dictionary.