Author :  

Year-Number: 2011-14
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi


Turkiye’nin, cografi koşullari itibariyla kiiltiirel etkileşimlere birinci 
derecede agik olmasi ve sosyo-kultiirel/ politik galkantilarin yogun olarak ya§anmasi 
nedeni ile oldukga dinamik bir yapisi vardir. Bu dinamizme koşut olarak toplumsal 
degi^im ve donuşümlerin ivmesi daima yuksek olmustur. Soz konusu 
hareketlenmede “mizah” onemli bir parametre olarak dikkatleri cekmekte olup, 
toplumlarm uygarlasmasi yolunda onemli bir kilometre tasi olusturmaktadir. 
£ah§mamiza konu olan Karagoz gazetesi, kurgusu ve mizansen anlayisi itibariyla soz 
konusu ideale kendi olgelderinde katkida bulunmus olup, donemin iktidarmm basma 
kar§i takmdigi tutuma paralel olarak, bazen yonetim ile ban§ik bazen ise uzlasmaci 
bir yaklaşima yaym hayatim sürdürmustür. Ancak gudiilen politikanm ne olduguna 
bakilmaksizm, amag daima; bati normlarinda çagdaş uygarlik diizeyine ulasmak 
igin, mevcut toplumsal degi§im ve dönüşümlere koşut olarak toplumu yenidiinya 
diizeni ile bütunleştirmektir.
Adini ve mizansen kurgusunu Karagoz’den alan gazete, “mizah”i giinceli 
yakalamak ve halka baglamak icin bir arag olarak kullanmis, kullandigi yalin dil 
sayesinde etki alanim oldukga geni^letmistir. ironinin klasik bir simgesi olan 
Karagoz ve Hacivat tiplemeleri gazete kurgusunun ba§at elemam olup, giindemin 
gorsel ve sozlii olarak iletildigi yansitma gorevini iistlenmi§lerdir. ilk sayismdan son 
sayisina degin istikrarli bir şekilde ana karakterini ve kurgusal mizansenini koruyan 
gazete, duru, agik, sade kolay anlaşilir dili ve simgesel/gorsel anlatim bicimi ile her 
yas ve simftan insana ulasabilmiştir. Bu yolla, giinceli yakalayan, okuyan, dii^iinen, 
elestiren bir toplum modeli yaratarak, toplumun yonetime entelektiiel elestirel 
boyutta katilimmm sagianmaya galisildigi tespit edilmi§tir. 



As far as cultural interaction is concerned, Turkey displays a very dynamic 
structure due to her geographical conditions, its past and present political turmoil. In 
line of this dynamic acceleration, social change and transformation has always been 
high. “Humour” attracts an important attention in this momentum of change as it was 
always an important milestone parameter for societies to advance in civilization. The 
Karagoz newspaper which is the subject of our study, has contributed to the above mentioned “ideal” in its own scale and has continued its life by sometimes adapting 
a compromising line with the status quo and in some other times by adapting a mild 
but constructive criticism to the governance of the country of that particular time. 
However, whatever policy was geared, the goal was always to generate benefit; by 
reaching to the level of contemporary civilization in the western norms that in turn 
may integrate the society into the “New World Order” in parallels to the changes 
taking place in the world.
The paper which has derived its name from “Karagoz Character”, by using a 
clear language, engaged public into contemporary knowledge and information and 
this in turn has enabled it to widen the scope of its influence. Hacivat and Karagoz 
who were the established characters of irony were the major elements of the paper 
who has reflected the daily agenda either in visual or verbal forms to the public. 
From the first issue to the final; the newspaper has relayed its message to people 
from all walks of life in a very plain and clear language with consistency. By doing 
so, it has been noticed that, this newspaper has aimed to create or at least contribute 
to creation of a society who is up to date, understands, thinks and criticizes and by 
doing so, contributes to its own governance in intellectual dimension.


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