Author :  

Year-Number: 2010-13
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Yeni Türk Edebiyatı


Türk basin tarihinde nicel ve nitel bakimdan oldukpa onemli bir yer tutan 
Karagoz Gazetesi, dolayisi ile Türk Kültür tarihi bakimindan ozel bir yere sahiptir. 
Kendisini “ Siyasi , mizahi halk gazetesi”olarak tanimlayan “Karagoz”, çeşitli 
konulara ilişkin eleştirilerini , Türk mizahinın meşhur iki karakteri olan Karagoz ve 
Hacivat’in agzindan aktarma yoluna giderek, bu yolla toplumun ve siyasi erkin 
hoşgörü kalkaninın ardına siğınmayi tercih etmiştir. Bahsi geçen yontem ve üslup 
araciligi ile donemin, mevcut siyasi, ekonomik, kültürel olay ve olgulanna ironik ve 
hicivsel yaklaşimlar ortaya koyan gazetenin, zaman iperisinde iktidar yapisinm 
giidiimunde apolitik bir karaktere biiriinmek suretiyle kaba bir giilmeceye donüşüm 
surecine vurgu yapilmi§tir. Bunun yanı sira Gazetenin Yaym hayatmda kaldigi kirk 
yedi yil boyunca, Karagoz tasvirlerinin, gorsel ve ifadesel olarak toplumsal yapiya 
paralel evrimine işaret edildigi çalişmadaki bilgi ve yorumlar, Cumhuriyet oncesi ve 
sonrasi doneme ait olan Osmanlica ve Latin alfabesi ile basilmiş sayilarının, kayda 
deger nicelikteki nushalari taranmak ve konuya ilişkin literatiirden faydalamlmak 
suretiyle ortaya konmuştur.



The Karagoz newspaper which occupies a special place in History of Turkish 
Press in terms of both qualitatively and quantitatively also has an enormous 
significance in terms of Turkish Cultural History. As the paper has introduced itself  as “Political, Humorous Public Newspaper” the criticisms on several public and  political issues have been relayed through two famous humorous characters of the Turkish comedy, thus, it has been aimed to shelter behind social and political 
tolerance. The paper, start with displaying ironical, satirical and humorous 
approaches to the political, social, economic and cultural events of the mentioned 
period, has gone out of line during the course of time, due to political and social 
turmoil and pressure of the governing body that in turn has reduced the newspaper to 
nothing more than a “rough humor” In addition to this, during its publication life of 
forty seven years, all knowledge and comments contained within the paper as well as 
Karagoz depictions of visual expressions and statements have evolved along with 
social and political transition. All these knowledge and comments have been 
amalgamated in this study have been derived from the considerable issues of the preand post republic periods, also those issues published in Arabic script have been 
translated into contemporary Turkish to embody this work


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