Author :  

Year-Number: 2011-15
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Türk Dili


Turkgtiltik felsefesinin en esas iinsurlerinden biri ve birincisi dilde birlik 
anlayişi olacakti, şu düşünceye göre ortak yazi dili Istanbul türkcesi idi. Hüseyin 
Cavid efendi de her zanan dil birliginin bu muhim şartina emel etmiş, omrünün 
sonunadek istanbul türkcesi ile konuşmuş ve yazmiştir. Osmanli türk romantikleri 
gibi O da yalniz duşuncenin degil, aym zamanda edebi dil birliginin yaranmasmi arzu 
etmiş, ortak dil birligi ile dilde ve fikirde, duşuncede birlik, turkçülük şurunun 
oyanmasmi istemiştir. Turkçülüğü, turanciligi O'nun dilinde giizel ifadesini tapmiş, 
dili felsefesini, felsefesi ise dilini muayyenleştirmiştir.
Makalede, bu meselelere toxunulmus?, sovyetleşmenin tiirk birligi ideyasimn 
ve herekatimn, mahsus da, Cavid efendinin ba§ina getirdigi felaketler, 70 yil ne 
kiminse kendini tiirk adlandirmaga, ne de tiirk halklanmn dil, tarih, medeniyet, 
edebiyat birliginden ve bu ideya ugruna kurban getmiş Cavid efendiden danışmaga 
cesaret etmemesinin nedenlerinden bahs etmekdedir. 



One and the first of Panturkism philosophy is: the unity of language. Istanbul 
Turkish language was common written language according to this ideology. H. Javid 
Afandi Always complied with that important conditions of the unity of language and 
also spoke and wrote in Istanbul Turkish till the end of his life. Like Ottoman 
Turkish romanticists, he also wished not only mind but also Language Unity to be 
established and wanted excitation of unity and Panturkism consciousness in 
language and mind with common language unity. Panturkism, Pan-Turanism were 
expressed in his writing perfectly, his language difmed his philosophy but his 
philoshopyhis language.
Those issues were touched upon in the article and also the reasons of the 
misfortune Sovietization caused to the idea and movement of Turkish unity, 
especially Javid Afandi, that anybody could neither call himself Turkish nor could 
dare to speak about language, history, culture, literature unity of Turkish people for 
70 years and Javid Afandi who sacrificed for that idea.


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