Author :  

Year-Number: 2011-15
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Yeni Türk Edebiyatı


A§ik ve tekke edebiyatimizda “ne giizel uymu?” redifli destanlar ayri 
bir şiir kiimesi oluşturmuştur. Bu tiir şiirlere yanli§ olarak “tekerleme” ba§ligi 
atildigi da gorulmu§tiir. Aşik edebiyati uzmani Dogan Kaya, soz konusu §iir 
kumesine “denkleme” adim koymu§tur.
Kiimenin en eski omeklerine 17. yiizyil halk şairlerinde 
rastlamaktayiz. En miikemmel örnekleri, bu yiizyil şairlerinden Aşik Omer ve 
Levni soylemiştir denilebilir.
Sonraki yiizyillarda Levni ve Aşik Omer’in şiirlerine nazire/benzek 
sayilabilecek, aynı redifle birgok şiir daha yaratilmiştir. Bu şiirlerden birinin 
§airi hakkmda kan§iklik ortaya çikmiştir (Kul Hiiseyin, Karaca Oglan, Sadik 



In our folk literature (both a$ik and dervish) the epic with “ne giizel 
uymu§” (“how beautiful it fit”) rhyme makes up a seperate group of poems. 
It’s been seen that these kind of poems are labeled as “tongue twister” 
mistakenly. Folk literature specialist Dogan Kaya named this group of poems 
“denkleme” (“equation”)
We come across the earliest examples of this group in the 17th 
century folk poems’ poets. It can be stated that the most perfect examples 
were mentioned by this century’s folk poets A§ik Omer ve Levni.
In the later centuries many other poems were created with the same 
rhyme which may have been similar to (inspired poem) Levm’s and A§ik 
Omer’s poems. There’s been a confusion about the poet of one of these 
poems (Kul Hiiseyin, Karaca Oglan, Sadik Karadag)


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