Author :  

Year-Number: 2011-15
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Türk Dili


Ilkogretim Tiirkge ders kitaplarmda halk şiiri ornekleri yer 
almamaktadir. Bu sebeple Tiirkge egitiminde, halk §iirimizin gucunden 
yararlamlamamaktadir. Türkçe egitiminde halk şiiri omekleri, sadelik ve 
lirizm giicii yonunden ogrencilerin sevebilecekleri omeklerdir. Bu §iirler 
sayesinde ogrencilere ana dilin tumleşik dil becerileri kazandinlabilir. Fakat 
halk §iirimizin bu giiglii omeklerinin aşagida taranan ders kitaplarmda yer 
almamasi biiyuk bir eksikliktir.
Sozciiklerin fonetik ve semantik yonlerinin birbirleriyle ili§kisi, ses 
ozelliklerinin anlamin oluşmasina ve duyguya etkisinin ortaya gikanlmasi 
amaglanmi§tir. Lirizm yonii giiglii olan halk şiir omekleri ile ogrenciler 
kar§ila§tirilarak, onlann tiimle^ik dil becerileri geliştirilebilir. Bunu yaparken 
egitimde yeniden yapilandirma yakla§imma uygun olarak fonetik-semantik 
ili§kili §iir inceleme yontemi ve betimsel yontem kullamlmi^tir. Bu yontem, 
ses degerlerine dikkat gekerek, şairlerin dil becerilerini on plana gikararak, 
ogrencilerin algi seviyesini arttirmasi, gagn^im diinyasma katkida bulunmasi 
agismdan faydali bir yontemdir. Segilmi§ şiirdeki sozciikler ve sozciik 
gruplari fonetik-semantik ili§kili olarak incelenmi§tir. Fonetik agidan 
incelemede puanlama tablosu esas alinmi§tir. Semantik agidan incelemede 
kavramla§tirmalar ve §iirlerdeki duygu aktarimimn §iirlerin puanlan iizerine 
etkilerine bakilnn§tir. Daha sonra elde edilen verilerle sonuglara ulaşilmiştir. 
Incelenen halk §iiri omeklerinin lirizm yoniinden giiglii §iirler oldugu, bu 
yonuyle ogrencileri duygu olarak sardigi ve dil becerilerini geli§tirdigi 
gorulmii^tiir. Türkçe egitiminde halk §iinmizin guciinden yararlanmak, 
§airlerin ses degeri fazla olan kelime tercihlerine dikkat gekmek, ogrencilerin 
dil becerilerinin geli§mesine katkida bulunmuştur.



It is very considerable that the students make the applied studies 
related with the phonetics-semantics in the poems in order to express the 
feelings correctly. If the students can perceive the relationship between the 
phonetics and semantics, they can get the real sense of the atmosphere of the 
poems and recite them truly. In the Traditional Poetry Teaching, the students 
used to be asked to find out the literary arts in the poem and to make the 
comments and explanations of the poems. Yet, the students should have some 
studies on phonetic-semantic relationship suitable for the constructive 
approach so that the students can perceive the poems joyfully. The students 
realize the contributions of the phonetics and the value of the sound to the 
rhythm, music and the meaning of the poem in the poetry teaching related to 
phonetics and semantics. So thay can perceive the feelings of the poet and 
appropriate and enjoy the poems. If the poems are not appropriated, they 
have no meanings in the students’ minds and can easily be forgotten. 
Therefore, teaching the relationship between phonetics and semantics is very 
crucial in Turkish and Turkish Literature Classes. The pre-service teachers 
educated through the method of phonetics-semantics relationship poetry 
analysis have been observed to comprehend the contribution of sound 
characteristics to the meaning of a poem and feelings conveyed by the poem 
more easily and they can reflect this understanding in their own readings as 
they have learned how to read a poem by listening to expert reading and 
watching its characteristics. In this method, one can calculate the score taken 
by words according to the score table of the words and determine the 
contribution of this score to sound-meaning relationship, in this way, the preservice teachers can read the words in the poem in compliance with their 
meanings. As a result, the pre-service teachers trained by means of the 
method of phonetics-semantics relationship poetry analysis were able to 
comprehend the contribution of the acoustic values to the meaning of the 
poem and in this way they were able to read the poem in such a way as to 
reflect the feelings induced by the poem. The pre-service teachers educated 
in this way will be able to read to poems to primary school students in a 
proper way. And this is of great importance to provide students with the 
correct model. 


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