Author :  

Year-Number: 2011-15
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi


Tekstil sektdrunde hizlı ve kaliteli iiretim yapmak biiyiik onem
ta§imaktadir. Bir defada dogru iiretim yapmak igin i§in dogru tammlanmi§
olmasi, i§e uygun i§gi, makine, malzeme segilmesi bunlarin yaninda iş
yapilan alamn amaca uygun diizenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Giiniimiizde artan
rekabet koşuUarmda iş ortaminda yer alabilmek igin diger endiistrilerde
oldugu gibi triko i§letmelerinde de verimliligi arttinci gahpnalar
Bu araştirmada triko işletmelerinde gahganlarin kalite ve kalite
kontrol siirecindeki gorii§lerini belirlemek amaciyla Ankara, Gaziantep ve
Nigde illerinde bulunan tesadiifi yontemle segilen 11 triko işletmesinde
qoilman 297 bireye anket uygulanmi§şve elde edilen veriler tablolarla
degerlendiri lmi§ tir. Araqtirmamn sonucunda, genel olarak triko
i§letmelerinde kaliteyi artirmak igin teknolojik yenilikleri takip etmenin
onemli oldugu ve hatasiz uriin uretmede kalite kontrol uygulamamn etkili
oldugu tespit edilmiştir. 



Textile industry to produce quick and quality is of great importance.
To do the job correctly be defined at a time, the production, suitable for the
job workers, machinery, materials, selecting their next job should be
arranged for the purpose of the field. Today, increasing competition in the
business environment as well as knitwear firms in other industries to get the
work done to improve efficiency.
In this study the process of knitting the views of employees in order to
determine the quality and quality control, Ankara, Gaziantep and in the provinces ofNigde 297 randomly selected 11 individuals working in knitwear
firm anket been applied and evaluated the data obtained from tables. As a
result, in general, to improve the quality of knitwear enterprises is important
to keep track of technological innovations and the application of quality
control to produce error-free product was found to be effective. 


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