Author :  

Year-Number: 2010-13
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi


15. ile 19. yiizyillar arasmda Makedonya Osmanli imparatorlugu’nun 
idaresi altmda bulundugundan dolayi Islam medeniyeti Makedon soyadlarina iz 
birakmi^tir (dr. MexMeTOBa, PaxMaHOB). Makedon ve Türk halkmin aym toprakta 
birlikte yaşamalari, Islam medeniyetinin unsurlan o zaman gelişme doneminde olan 
ve hala standartlaşmamiş Makedon soyadlarina dogal olarak yansimaya yol açmıştir. 
Makedon soyadlannm kokleri geçmişteki ozel adlarınin tamamlayici unsurlarinda 
bulunmaktadir (dr. To^op M hjioiii, JoBaH Kop). Ozel adlarin tammlayici unsurlan 
Osmanli doneminde serbest gelişmiş ve 19 yy’da soyad ekiyle soyadlarin meydana 
gelmesine yol açmiştir. SFRY’mn oluşumundan sonra ve Makedonya 
Cumhuriyeti’nin bagimsizligma kavu§tuktan sonra, Adlar ve soyadlar kanunu, 
vatandaşlara serbest seyim sagladi. Geçmişten miras olarak, Türk eleman taşiyan ve 
Islam medeniyetini yansitan çagdaş Makedon soyadlan vardir. Bu soyadlar ise 
geçmişi ve şimdiki zamam, Slav medeniyetini ve Islam medeniyetinin unsurlarmi 



In the period between the 15th and 19lh century, Macedonia was under 
administrative government o f the Turkish Empire and came under direct influence of 
the Islamic civilization, which left its own traces in the Macedonian patronymic 
glossary ( for example Mehmetova, Rahmanov). As a result of the coexistence o f the 
Macedonian and Turkish people, the elements of the Islamic civilization 
spontaneously entered the Macedonian patronymic glossary, which was in the phase 
o f growth and did not represent an established category.
The origins of Macedonian patronymic words are in the past when our 
ancestors started to use additional determiners to the personal names besides names 
(for example Todor Milosh, Jovan Kor). The identification with a personal name and 
additional determiner continued its development during the Turkish government in 
Macedonia and in the 19th century patronymic words with surname suffixes appeared. After the formation of SFRJ and later the creation o f independent 
Macedonia, the law for personal names and surnames gave the citizens the 
opportunity of free choice. In today’s modem surname repertoire in Macedonia there 
is presence o f patronymic words of Turkish origins as a reflection of the Islamic 
civilization, which are in fact a link between the past and the present and at the same 
time a link between the elements of the Slovene and Islamic civilization.


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