Bu araştirmanm amaci, 2008 yilmda ilkogretim ikinci kademede 6. ve 7.
sınıflara, 2009’da da 6, 7 ve 8. siniflara kademeli olarak yapilan Seviye Belirleme
Sinav sorulariyla PISA sinav sorulanni genel olarak analiz etmek ve soz konusu
sorularla Turkge Ogretim Programitun hedeflerini karşilaştirmaktir. ikinci kademe
Turkge Ogretim Programindaki hedeflerle, ogrenci ba§ansini belirlemek ve
degerlendirmek amaciyla yapilan SBS, OSSB gibi ulusal ve PISA gibi uluslararasi
sinavlar arasinda bir uyum var midir? Konuyla ilgili alanyazin gerek basili gerekse
internet kaynaklari kullanilarak taranmi§ ve konuyla baglantisina gore derlenmi?tir.
Soz konusu kaynaklar okunduktan sonra makalenin kuramsal boyutu dtizenlenmi^tir.
Daha sonra 2008’de 6 ve 7. smiflar, 2009’da 6., 7. ve 8. sınıflar için yapilan Seviye
Belirleme Sınavlari analiz edilmiştir; sinavlar siniflara gore ayrilarak, sorulann hangi
davraniş duzeyini (bilişsel, duyusal ve devinişsel davranışların alt basamaklarından
hangisini) olgtugii tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra PISA smavlari amaç ve soru örnekleri
açisindan incelenmiş, Turkge Ogretim Programinda 6, 7 ve 8. sinıf düzeyindeki
hedefler aynı dogrultuda analiz edilmiş ve her iki sonuç birbiriyle karşilaştirilmaya
çalişilmiştir. Çalişmamn evrenini 2008 ve 2009 yillannda yapilan Seviye Belirleme
SinavlarınınTürkçe sorulan, PISA soru ornekleri ve 2005 yilinda hazirlanan, 2006
yilından itibaren kademeli olarak uygulanmaya başlanan Türkçe Ogretim Programi
oluşturmaktadir. Araştirmada SBS sorulannm tamami, PISA sorularmin ise, internet
araciligiyla yaymlanan kismi omeklem olarak kabul edilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Veriler
bilgisayar ortamma aktanlarak ara§tirma sorulanna gore Microsoft Excell ve SPSS
15.0 programi araciligiyla çözümlenmiştir. Araştirma konusu, mevcut durumu
betimlemeye yonelik bir çalişma oldugundan üst düzey istatistiksel teknikler
kullanmaya gereksinim duyulmamiştir.
Aim o f this study is generally analyzing questions of PISA and questions of
SBS held in 2008 to 6* and 7th grades and in 2009 to 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary education, and comparing these questions with the objectives o f Turkish curriculum. Is there an adjustment between the objectives of the primary education second degree
Turkish curriculum and national examinations such as SBS, OS SB and international examinations such as PISA that are made in order to identify and evaluate student achievement.The literature related to the study was scanned by using both printed
and online resources and they were compiled according to connection to the topic. The theoretical dimension of the article was organized after reading the resources.
Then SBSs that are made for 6th and 7th grades in 2008 and for 6th, 7 th and 8th grades in 2009 were analyzed examinations were classified according to the grades, and questions and behavioral levels they measure were determined (which sub-step of cognitive, affective and motional behaviors). After that PISA exams were examined in terms o f aims and sample questions and objectives in Turkish curriculum of 6th, 7th and 8111 were analyze3 in the same way and both of these results were tried to be
compared.. The scope of this study is consist of Turkish questions o f SBS applied in 2008 and 2009, sample questions of PISA and the Turkish curriculum prepared in 2005 and started to be put into practice since 2006. In the research, all of the SBS questions and online published PISA questions were taken as samples and studied.
The data was transmitted to computer and analyzed according to research questions using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 15.0 program. Because of the study aims to describe current situation, it w asn’t needed to use high-level statistical techniques.